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Photo Credit: Aiesha Aggarwal


│Ecological Services│


Home: About

What we do

“A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise.”
― Aldo Leopold

Ecological Services

Our backgrounds include expertise in collecting accurate and cost effective site specific data including Species at Risk, fauna and flora, amphibian, and breeding bird surveys. Birks Natural Heritage Consultants Ecologists are certified in conducting wetland evaluations and delineation following the Ontario Wetland Evaluation System (OWES), classifying vegetation communities using the  Ecological Land Classification (ELC), and collecting bat acoustic data utilizing specialized equipment and software programs.


Working with industry, landowners, and government to ensure environmentally sustainable and feasible land developments.  We produce comprehensive reports to assist in obtaining agency approvals. We aim to provide quality services to our clients through timely and efficient communication and project management.  Our ability to identify solutions within complex sites ensures project schedules are not delayed.  The Birks Natural Consultants team possesses the multi-disciplinary knowledge required when working on complex development projects.


Formed by three Ecologists Brad Baker, Melissa Fuller, and Stephanie Brady, Birks Natural Heritage Consultants, Inc. has in depth and wide ranging knowledge of Ontario's policies and natural environment. Combined, we possess 30+ years of experience in the field of ecology with backgrounds in ecosystem restoration, species recovery, and renewable energy projects.

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Contact us

For more information on our services

23 Herrell Avenue, Barrie
Ontario L4N 6T5

Barrie: (705) 790-1285

Collingwood: (705) 994-4824

Penetanguishene: (705) 305-9102

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